Mannequin Forest

Aurora Wasteland Flash Fiction from Instagram…

A flash fiction inspired by the below Instagram image.

There are only a few ways to cross the Canadian Rocky Mountains from east to west. Even fewer are open in the winter. Highway five, or as it’s better known as ‘The Yellowhead’ is one of those crossings. At certain times of the year as the snowfall thickens a lot of the services along the highway are closed. Which always leads to the inevitable question, where do you stop to pee? To which the reply is always the woods, the woods my dear. Seeing a vehicle pulled over and footprints through the snow to the tree line is always a sign of someone having made the full bladder decision. But, on the rare occasion where more privacy is needed, drivers often push further into the woods. The deeper you go and further you get from the highway, the more likely you are to spot the rare and elusive white smooth figures that call the woods home. Some say they are aliens, others say overgrown horny gnomes, but multiple teams of Aurora Wasteland explorers have ventured into the deep woods, and all have come back with the same experience. Each team reported that if you go deep enough, and are patient enough, you can see the full splendor that has been nicknamed The Mannequin Forest. Below are their recommended steps… 

  1. Hike four to five hours off the highway.
  2. Once the trees start to block out the sun because of how thick they are, stop and get comfortable
  3. Wait unmoving, this will take hours. 
  4. Once the Mannequins believe you aren’t living, they will come out.
  5. Enjoy the show.

This brings up a classic Aurora Wasteland question… if a Mannequin moves in the Forest and no one is around to see it, is it still freaky as shit? The answer to that question is an outstanding… hell yes.

(Link to the original image on Instagram by bakaartsl)